Monday, April 14, 2008

Eddie Murpy turning 50. WOW!

Eddie Murphy is 50 years-old and the old fag seems to be holding up. I realize he hasn't been funny in 20 years, ever since he stopped portraying himself as the underdog in films. That's the problem; he was obviously over-compensating for his missing machismo in the 90's. Every movie he made until recently had him trying to present himself as some kinda hip ladies-man.

Come on, Eddie, that's not what we signed on for. The Point:

After 30 years of seeing him wear the official uniform of "closet-queens", the leather suit, you would think that people wouldn't have a hard time understanding that Eddie is no "ladies man".

Hopefully, this video of Eddie dissing his mom's hamburgers will serve as a reminder of what a great comedic talent he once was. Enjoy!