Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dubya's reign is nearly over

"Let me start off by saying that in 2000 I said, 'Vote for me. I'm an agent of change.' In 2004, I said, 'I'm not interested in change --I want to continue as president.' Every candidate has got to say 'change.' That's what the American people expect." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 5, 2008
Woke up this afternoon and realized, I really don't have alot to say about our outgoing prez. After much thought, I decided a list of his dubious achievments wouldn't be out of line.

Faith Based Funding. Violated the Constitution (separation of church and state) and countless legal precedents by establishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI).

Patriot Act. A misnomer of legislation! We are losing our freedoms in this country and it is being done in the name of patriotism! America was founded on these freedoms and civil liberties. It should instead be called the "Traitor Act". Secret telephone wire-taps, covert break-ins and searches of private homes, internet surveillance, secret arrests and imprisonment, body searches to use public transport, surveillance cameras popping up everywhere, ...

Economic recession. (This probably would have occurred with any president, but he hasn't yet stimulated a significant recovery which includes job gains.)

Iraq's WMD program. Bush's State of the Union address based on unverified claims, exaggerations and reporting of hearsay. Mislead the nation and the world.

Afghanistan War. Successfully dealt a blow to terrorism by attacking terrorist camps and temporarily disrupting Taliban. However, we didn't capture Osama bin Laden. Now ignoring promises of rebuilding and stability. A major political defeat in the world's eyes.

Iraq War. A huge cost in terms of tax dollars & American lives lost. No broad coalition of support as was done in his dad's "Desert Storm". Ignored world opinion and governing body of the U.N. To date, no WMD's have been found.

Tax Cut. Readers will have different views on this. We strongly support lower taxes, but gov't spending must be lowered simultaneously. This has not happened and will result in a skyrocketing federal debt for the foreseeable future. At the time of this writing, the federal debt $6,803,794,168,784.52 (9/23/03) and increasing daily. See the Treasury's website at "The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It" [4].

Federal Housing Aid to Religious Groups. Violated the Constitution (separation of church and state) and countless legal precedents. For the first time religious groups will get federal housing money to help build centers where religious worship is held.

No energy conservation policy or push for renewable energy. Constantly thumb nose at world community regarding environmental policies.

Reducing EPA penalties and restrictions.

Promotes drilling in restricted areas. Drilling now targeted in protected areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and the Rocky Mountains (including Yellowstone ecosystem, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico). Readers may argue that we need to decrease our dependence on foreign oil and oil in general (which is true). However, destruction of our protected lands should not be done until long-term programs are in place for energy conservation, renewable energy, etc. We should require that car buyers demonstrate a need for huge, gas-hungry SUVs and trucks.

Alienation of allies throughout the world. Wars, ignoring U.N., ignoring environment initiatives, etc. Successful cooperation between countries of the world requires that the "big guy on the block" respects the views of less powerful countries. We won't always agree with them, but we must listen, especially when there are numerous other countries who aren't in favor with our approach. Bush, on the other hand, shrugs them off as "the old Europe" like they shouldn't have a say in world affairs.

Secretive energy policy. Meetings behind closed doors which often favor large corporate sponsors and Vice President Cheney's former employer.

Religious focus. A nauseating focus on born-again, creationist, protestant religion throughout the administration.

Illegal aliens. Lack of focus on this ever-growing problem and drain on America's resources and tax dollars. Someone enters our country illegally and we feel compelled to offer them housing, education and health care!?

Violated federal law - The Bush administration violated federal law by revealing an undercover CIA operative's name and work to the press. The operative's husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson, is a political foe of George W. Bush. Their disagreement was over the administration's claim that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium from Niger. John Dean, President Richard Nixon's Watergate-era aide, was so outraged at the leak that he wrote: "If I thought I had seen dirty political tricks as nasty and vile as they could get at the Nixon White House, I was wrong… Nixon never set up a hit on one of his enemies' wives.

Dubya, please don't let the door hit you in the ass.